Petalled's Flower Care Guide:

If your flowers came in a basket or other container with foam, add fresh water every day. If it's just fresh cut flowers or bouquet follow these instructions:

1. Start by rinsing your vase thoroughly with soap water to get rid of any lingering bacteria that may otherwise cause the flower to wilt faster.

2. Fill the vase two-thirds with fresh, room temperature water. If you want closed buds to open up quicker, use lukewarm water.

Pro Tip - For exotic flowers use cold water. Try to keep them in AC rooms and when that's not possible add a couple of ice cubes in the vase to keep them fresher for a longer time.

3. If you are adding flower food, top up the water the day after receiving your flowers, rather than changing it completely. This way, they benefit from the food for longer. Using flower food only once is enough.

Pro Tip - If you don't have flower food, just add one tablespoon of sugar and one tablespoon of white vinegar to about 1 litre of water. Flower food needs to be added only once. White vinegar is acidic and will curb the bacteria that may grow because of the sugar. Sugar encourages bacteria growth while at the same time it feeds your flowers.

4. Remove any foliage that will sit below the waterline to help avoid growth of bacteria. If your flowers include roses, you may notice some discolored outer petals called guard petals, which protect the inner petals. Gently remove 2-3 guard petals to make your roses look fresher. 

5. Trim about 2-3cm from the bottom of the stems at a 45-degree angle. This slanted cut allows the flowers a greater surface area through which water can be absorbed. We recommend varying the stem length to give your arrangement a dimension.  

Pro tip: Cut the stems with sharp scissors, and cut thick-stemmed flowers with a sharp knife. Blunt scissors or dull instruments can crush the stems and prevent the flowers from properly absorbing water.

6.Change the water at least every couple of days or when you see the water in the vase starts looking cloudy. 

7. When you change the water, retrim the stems by just an inch. This helps get rid of any rot and allows the flowers to stay fresh longer. Also remove any wilted flowers or petals. This will not only refresh the look of your arrangement but also avoid spread of mold on the fresh flowers. 

8. Do not place the the flowers under the fan, any direct breeze or draft from AC or in direct sunlight to avoid dehydrating the flowers. Place the flowers in a cool, shaded area. If possible keep your exotics in AC rooms. 

Pro tip: keep your flowers away from the fruit bowl, especially if it contains apples. Apples and other fruit give off ethylene gas which causes flowers to deteriorate.